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Sugar Skulls & Horror Cakes

Monday, April 26, 2010

block rockin beets

So earlier Jon and I were discussing whether or not night Dwight Shrute would like the movie Avatar. He said probably not; he would say it was ridiculous. I said perhaps Dwight would speak of how if he were part of the army sent to the planet he would slay all the aliens and harvest their trees for Dunder Mifflin paper. Jon added that he would also steal the soil for beet growth. I disagreed, Dwight would never let alien soil touch his precious beets. Jon said if he did they would be giant mutant beets. I then added that Dwight’s DNA gets mixed in with the beet crop birthing giant Rainn Wilson faced beet monsters. And Dwight would lead the beat army with authority and they would convert the world’s population into Dwight-beet slaves.

*Some random thoughts……..

I fucking love monopoly; it feels nice to be employed, own property, and have money in the bank

I wonder whatever happened to Linda Evans

Razor blade toilet seat!

Who’s idea was it to start making movies based on video games and why are they still breathing?

Grilled cheese is the yummiest thing you can do with bread and cheese

Snoopy goth kid dance to joy division…….

Kickass songs right now……

1 The Hush Sound-Wine Red

2 Tool-Jimmy

3 Tori Amos-I’m Not in Love

4 Corey Heart-Sunglasses at Night

5 Born of Osiris-Abstract Art

6 Vincent Black Shadow- Pac Man Jones

7 Iwrestledabearonce-The Cat’s Pajamas

8 Deftones-Rocket Skates

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mangoes, Rain & Boredom

The other day when I was walking I swear I smelled

mangoes. The smell you would imagine one smells

when walking through a vast mango garden.

However there surely isn't a mango garden in

Illinois, so why do I smell mangoes? And such

a powerful mango odor at that. Its been raining

for like three days and its horrible. Avery and I

cannot go to the park or go for walks and smell

phantom mangoes, we are forced to entertain

ourselves inside. We invented this great game

where he throws things from his saucer and I

dive dramatically after them, he finds this

hilarious. The rain inspires all kinds of sortid

boredom relief, such as chickwich and I standing

on the porch and listening as the neighbors argue.

We often like to make up our own backstories as

to what started the argument; for example yesterday

she wanted him shave her back but he refused,

insisting it was her week to shave his back. Well she

wouldn't stand for this and threw a bowl at him, his

good spitting bowl! Upon seeing his dear spitting bowl

shattered he then went after her and shaved her left eyebrow

and the fighting continued. At least thats what me and

chickwich decided happened. Conversations about rain

reminded Robert of a song. So the rain technically forced

me into downloading Milli Vanilli's Blame it on the Rain,

which is absolutely despicable. I wonder if the rain will wash

away whatever is putting out that mango stank, I hope not
